Third Person Talking

We all have different voices in our heads, like the lover, the practical one, the empathetic one, and the playful one. Sometimes, to get a grip on things and look at things from a detached perspective, I talk to my practical side, a.k.a. the third person. Here's a poem I wrote for this voice: ****** I carefully save that cash for future, one that seams so bleak. I fight with my thoughts—should I just be enjoying the present, or continue saving? Past regrets being my continuous reminders Screaming of all the impulsive decisions I took in shivers I find myself standing with one leg in the future, and one leg in the past, all the while drowning continuously in present's vast. In these moments of internal chaos, strain & hassle compose. So, I stop and take a step back Ask myself—what is causing that knack. I realize.. nothing. NOT A FREAKING THING. Putting things in perspective is what I lack. Talking to myself as a third person helps a lot. Most times it'...