Third Person Talking

We all have different voices in our heads, like the lover, the practical one, the empathetic one, and the playful one. Sometimes, to get a grip on things and look at things from a detached perspective, I talk to my practical side, a.k.a. the third person. 

Here's a poem I wrote for this voice:


I carefully save that cash for future, one that seams so bleak. 

I fight with my thoughts—should I just be enjoying the present, or continue saving? 

Past regrets being my continuous reminders

Screaming of all the impulsive decisions I took in shivers

I find myself standing with one leg in the future, and one leg in the past, 

all the while drowning continuously in present's vast.

In these moments of internal chaos,

strain & hassle compose.

So, I stop and take a step back 

Ask myself—what is causing that knack.

I realize.. nothing. NOT A FREAKING THING.

Putting things in perspective is what I lack.

Talking to myself as a third person helps a lot.

Most times it's about things yet to pass, but likely not.

Illustration source: Pinterest


  1. Your piece is deeply introspective and captures the inner conflict many people experience.
    Overall, your writing skillfully explores complex themes of time, priorities, and personal growth. Keep up the great work!🌻

  2. This is deep
    most of us talk to that third person …

  3. Third person talk is the real one 🌸🌸

  4. Beautiful ode to your practical self!

  5. wow Sheema, your writing always surprises me how deep you can think, that's commendable, keep growing this part of yourself, bless you

    1. Hehe when you have so much to think about so you put it on paper and sometimes - your blog

  6. So good ✨🫡🏻


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